School Program Lead

Job Overview:

As the School Program Lead, you will play a crucial role to help bring vermicomposting into Ottawa classrooms by delivering workshops and selling our worm farms to teachers. Additionally, you will be responsible for working closely with schools and school boards to implement larger vermicomposting programs and assist them in turning their food waste into nutrient-rich compost.


  1. Workshop Coordination: Organize and conduct vermicomposting workshops in schools and other educational institutions to educate students and teachers on the benefits and techniques of vermicomposting.
  2. Business Development: Actively seek opportunities to grow our impact and presence in the school systems
  3. School Partnerships: Build and maintain strong relationships with teachers, principals, administrators, and educators to encourage the adoption of vermicomposting programs.
  4. Educational Material Development: Create educational materials, presentations, and resources for workshops and school programs to effectively communicate the concepts of vermicomposting and sustainable waste management.
  5. Hands-on Training: Provide hands-on training and support to schools in setting up and maintaining vermicomposting systems, ensuring successful implementation.
  6. Waste Conversion Support: Work closely with schools to help them turn their food waste into nutrient-rich compost using worm farms, providing guidance on best practices.
  7. Data Tracking and Reporting: Monitor and track the progress and impact of vermicomposting programs in schools, preparing regular reports for management and stakeholders.
  8. Events and Outreach: Represent the company at sustainability events, conferences, and community gatherings to showcase our offerings and expand our network.


    1. Strong commitment to environmental sustainability and a genuine interest in promoting waste reduction and composting practices.
    2. Bachelor's degree in environmental studies, education, or a related field. At least 3 years experience in environmental education, waste management, or community outreach is required.
    3. Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner.
    4. Proven ability to build positive and collaborative relationships with schools, educators, and community members.
    5. Effective time management and organizational skills, capable of handling multiple projects and tasks simultaneously and comfortable with the use of technology.
    6. Ability to adapt to diverse audiences, including students of different ages, teachers, and community members.
    7. Vehicle and drivers license needed to travel to classrooms
    8. Ability to move and lift materials that may weigh 10 kg 

      Location: Ottawa

      Compensation: Competitive hourly salary of $25 - $35/hour 

      To Apply: Please send your resume and a 1 page cover letter to Akil at with the subject line 'School Program Lead Application' 

      Commonly Asked Questions

      Does it smell?

      A worm farm surprisingly does not smell!

      Be sure to follow our instructions included with your parenting guide and join our support channels for troubleshooting!

      Where should I put my Box Of Life?

      We recommend keeping it indoors in a temperature controlled environment, somewhere easy to access and visible like your kitchen or living.

      If you must keep it outdoors, keep in mind that red wiggler worms prefer temperatures between 15-25 C (60-80 F). During freezing cold winters, the worms may die, so it is a good idea to bring them inside. If it is too hot in summer, keep them away from direct sun in a cool, shady space.

      How much effort is involved?

      Honestly, not much. About 5 minutes a week at most to feed the worms and prepare the bedding.

      By diverting food from your trash, you'll notice your garbage doesn't stink anymore which means you can empty it way less often than before.

      How can I convince my partner?

      The best way to convince your partner to let you keep worms in the house is by promising them that you will take care of them properly, and by following our instructions of course!

      Your partner only needs to be mindful of separating food scraps and bedding for the wormies while they are in the kitchen, while you take care of the weekly feeding and maintenance. Treat your wormies like a houseplant!

      What can I feed the worm farm?

      Ok here's our rule of thumb - if it came from the ground, it can go back into it. This means that you can feed your worms fruits, veggies, paper napkins, cardboard, eggshells, whatever.

      A healthy worm farm will recycle your food as well as paper. You are typically going to be feeding an equal amount of food and bedding to your worms.

      Just keep in mind that meat and dairy can make your worm bin stinky and attract maggots, so don't add that if you are a new worm parent.

      What to do when away on vacation?

      If you're going away for two weeks or less, you don't need to do anything. The worms will be fine left alone.

      If away for longer, you just need to ensure your worms don't dry out when you're gone. You could ask a friend to water your worm farm and feed them some food every 2 weeks while you are away.

      Will my pet damage the worm farm?

      So far we have not heard of any complaints from people who have pets and a worm farm. In fact many cat owners report that their furry felines like to sit on top of their boxes.