Hi, my name is Akil and here's my story..
I started The Box Of Life in Ottawa in 2019 to educate people about this really cool way to compost their food scraps - with a worm farm! So I was anxious and frustrated by our general apathy and inaction to climate change, so I quit my job and decided to do something positive as a solution.
I started composting with the intent of eliminating food waste from garbage because it's bad for the environment - food waste rotting in landfills releases methane which is 80x more warming potential than CO2. But over time, I have learnt that compost is also very important for improving soil health and when added to soil can sequester atmospheric CO2 and lock it beneath our feet!
The Box Of Life is a social enterprise and we care for the people and our planet first and foremost, while making some profits. These our values: